Child Care Search Magnet

Child Care Search Magnet

Quality child care is invaluable! “Investments in quality child care are essential to support both children’s healthy development and parents’ success in the workplace,” Rose Marcario, President & CEO, Patagonia. 

The availability of high quality, reliable child care helps to ATTRACT and retain employees with young families, helps to maintain employee morale and helps to reduce absenteeism, tardiness, turnover and productivity issues related to child care insecurity.  

“In a national survey, 14 percent of respondents reported that in the previous year, someone in the family had to quit a job, not take a job, or greatly change a job because of problems with child care. With regard to impact on businesses, research shows that parents dealing with child care challenges take an average of five to nine days off work annually and resulting costs to employers top $3 billion a year.”

What is the Child Care Search Magnet?

It is a resource that businesses and organizations can use to support their employees to find quality child programs.

Child Care Search Magnet Flyers

How does it work?

Add the linked Child Care Search Magnet to your human resource materials. When your employees reach out to Child Care Aware of NH to find child care, we will provide them with a tailored list of child care referrals to meet their individual family’s needs. Our service is free and confidential. We can also provide families with information and resources to assist them in choosing a quality child care program.

When Employees click on the Child Care Search Magnet is will take them to the website. From there, they can choose to talk to a Child Care Aware of NH staff member through our LiveChat feature, use our online child care search or get contact information to call Child Care Aware of NH.

There are two (2) ways to take advantage of this opportunity for your employees.

Use the Child Care Search Magnet Online

Download the Child Care Magnet jpg or png below and put it on your website and/or add it to your online human resources and on boarding materials. Link the picture to

Download the Child Care Search Magnet

Download our Child Care Magnet Flyer to add to any printed documents you give to new and current employees.

Child Care Aware of NH can support your employees in their search for child care. We can help them answer questions such as:

  • When should I start searching for infant care?
  • What does quality child care look like?
  • What child care programs are in my town?
  • Where can I find Child Care Licensing Monitoring Reports?

Let us support your employees, so they can be happy and confident in their child care choices. When families feel secure in their child care choice, they are more productive and more likely to stay in their current role or seek to advance their position. They are less likely to have higher occurrences of absenteeism and tardiness. Happy and confident employees mean more productive employees which results in better outcomes for businesses!